Dietitian Priyanka

North-Indian Diet Plans For Weight Gain

Dietitian Priyanka

North-Indian Diet Plans For Weight Gain – Health is very important for all of us and some people have a problem in gaining weight. If you are the one who wants to know about North-Indian diet plans for weight gain, then we are here to help you in this matter. Everyone’s quest is to look healthy and fit and for that, you should eat healthy food and maintain a properly balanced diet in your lifestyle.

North-Indian Diet Plans For Weight Gain

You should follow North-Indian Diet Plans for proper weight gain. You can also contact Dietitian Priyanka who is one of the famous dietitians in the field of nutrition and health. She provides you with the best diet plans for gaining weight and maintaining a healthy figure. You should do some sort of exercises also and with that, a balanced diet can help you in maintaining a perfect health. If you are the one who is searching for a dietitian in order to gain weight, then connect yourself with Dietitian Priyanka and get the best tips regarding your health. You can also avail her services online.

Best North Indian Diet Plans For Weight Gain

Many people are not having a proper diet in their daily routine. It is advised to have a proper diet for all. For gaining weight, you should follow a diet plan that is best for you. Gaining weight is a slow process and it is achieved slowly and gradually depending upon the meals you take. You should always prefer doing some hard work in order to gain more calories for your diet. That means your body should be moving and doing some work. Moreover, if you are planning to gain some weight, then you should not perform any vigorous exercises in the gym. You should not exert more in order to gain weight. We prefer you to follow north Indian diet plans for gaining weight. North Indian Food is richer than the other cuisines. Following are the various diet plans which you should follow to gain weight

Early Morning

You can have a glass of lemon water in the morning immediately after getting out of your bed. This should be taken in luke water.


In Breakfast, you can have stuffed parantha with curd or butter along with a cup of milk. For gaining weight, you should consume two bananas daily in your diet along with milk. If you are in a mood of eating something light, then you can have Poha in your diet that will help you regain your energy levels. You should also have some amount of peanut butter with brown bread in your breakfast as peanut butter is rich in proteins and nutrients as well.

Mid- Morning

In the Mid-Morning, you can have some fruit chart or some mixed type of fruits in your diet. Some fruits can add you up in providing you with proper energy. You can have orange juice or pomegranate juice also which will help you in maintaining your blood levels.


In Lunch, you should have proper meals and that should contain rice, cereals, curd, and salad. Salad will increase hydration and water levels in your body. You can have two or three chappatis with a bowl of daal with rice. Any vegetable can also be added to your diet such as mixed vegetable, capsicum mixed with potatoes etc.


During Evening Time, you should have some toasted bread along with tomato sauce. You can also have snacks like cheese balls with butter, vegetable cutlets, vegetable rolls in your diet to treat your hunger cravings in the evening. You can have a cup of tea in the evening to feel energized.


Dinner is the main thing in your daily routine. In Dinner, you should have butter chappatis along with green vegetables. You can have a salad like a cucumber, carrot, onion, green apple with your meals.


Now you can gain proper weight as the north Indian diet plans for weight gain will help you to gain your weight. For consultancy, Dietitian Priyanka is one of the leading dietitians in the city so connect yourself with her to get the best diet plans for becoming a healthy and fit person.

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